If you are considering selling your home and purchasing a new one, there are many steps you should take. Of note, it is critical that you speak with your loan officer about financial goals and loan programs, become pre-approved, and find a trusted real estate agent. If you have a current home you need to sell before you move into a new one, here are some tips and tricks for a fast sale:
- Pricing your home below market value for comparable homes in your area may help it sell quicker.
- Selling homes does not always happen quickly. It is important to talk to your listing agent about a realistic timeline for your home sale. When home sales are not estimated correctly and schedules are built around them, stress and disappointment are bound to occur. Consider this potential schedule breakdown: Preparing your home for sale: 2 weeks. Average time on the market: varies depending on your price point and the current state of the market. Negotiating an offer: 1 week. Closing with a traditional transaction: 30-45 days.
- Make buyers feel comfortable! For house showings, make sure that the home is clean and smells nice. Bake cookies and leave out snacks and drinks. Fresh flowers on the kitchen table always add a nice touch.
- Real estate agents are vital to home sales. They know all of the key information needed to make the best decisions when it comes to buying and selling homes. Fairway Fort Lauderdale would be happy to recommend a trusted agent if you need one.
Are you interested in buying a home or refinancing your current home in the Fort Lauderdale area? Call Fairway Fort Lauderdale today! Our experienced mortgage planners would love to help you find a loan program that works for you!