When you buy a home, you are likely making one of the largest purchases of your life. With any big decision, you will need to ensure that all of your questions are fully answered — and Fairway Fort Lauderdale is here to help.
One area where the lender you choose will make a difference is your interest rate, which can vary by up to .25% and change from day to day.
Here are the answers to two questions about interest rates that we’re often asked by our customers:
- How do I obtain the best interest rate?
A portion of your interest rate is based on your candidacy as a borrower. By working on your credit score, ensuring you have a steady employment history and having a substantial down payment saved up for your home, you are making yourself a more desirable borrower and will likely secure a lower interest rate than many borrowers. Your interest rate will also vary based on the type and duration of your mortgage, which is something the mortgage planners at Fairway Fort Lauderdale will be happy to discuss in greater detail with you.
- Why do interest rates vary by lender?
Interest rates vary by lender because of the differences in how lenders operate. At Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, we have a high loan volume that allows us access to lower rates. Because of this, we are able to focus on fantastic customer service and word-of-mouth marketing while we offer great interest rates to all homebuyers.
At Fairway Fort Lauderdale, our goal is to turn your dream home into a reality. Call us to discuss your financial goals, and we will find a great loan for your needs and work diligently to make the homebuying process wonderful for you.